Aura-Reading-Training 2025 September

Booking First interview with Riccarda

Be in harmony with your energy and sensitivity - feel energy, learn protective mechanisms and use your gift for aura reading
with Riccarda Kolb
September 13 and 14, 2025 from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm.
Participation is possible on site and online

"If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." - Nikola Tesla

In this two-day training course, you will learn how to handle your energy and sensitivity and turn them into a wonderful gift - aura clearing. This training gives you clear access to your intuition. The result: you feel calm, grounded, at home and your creativity and spirituality are greatly enhanced.

Before we learn how to read your own aura and that of other people, we will work out exactly what your energetic sensitivity is all about. Because if you know and accept your gift, you can understand and heal people through your energy and switch yourself "on and off" as an energy channel whenever you want. It is so much easier to live with this knowledge, especially if you know your protective mechanisms to protect yourself from "energy eaters".

What can aura reads be used for?
Aura chakra reading refines your self-image and can help you to focus better, use your own resources more efficiently and feel stronger and more self-confident. The aura chakra reading provides you with inspiring solutions for situations and blockages that restrict you. Many clients confirm that the reading helps them to rediscover their creativity and visions. After the reading, you feel clear, free and at peace with yourself. 

Aura reading is a very positive method to shed light on current issues of the person being read, for which he/she has usually developed a blind spot. The readee is held up to a mirror that brings light into the darkness and thus helps him/her to a loving self-understanding. The possible solutions are stored in the readee's own energy system. You read these to him as a reader. The reading provides tremendous motivation, inspiration, strength and love. As a reader, you see the big picture of the person being read to and can often also see details.

We can delve into the following topics, among others:

  • your destiny
  • your calling
  • your hidden talents
  • your profession or professional positioning
  • your partnership
  • your health
  • your finances
  • and whatever else the universe has to tell you.

As children, we are very aware of our intuition: how we know who we like and who we don't like, who we want to become, what makes us happy, what people and things we want to surround ourselves with, etc. As we grow up, our intuition is often overridden by our intellect. The school system, parents, society etc. teach us that we are most successful when we let the mind rule and so our heart energy and intuition are increasingly overridden or pushed into the background.

Fortunately, your intuition always remains fully accessible to you, but it is often hidden. That is why it is so wonderful to have your intuition clearly "read out" through the reading or to regain access to it for the person being read. It is so relieving to understand that your intuition is always there and that your life is very fluid and happy when you listen to your intuition.

The reading provides you with help on your spiritual path, unfolds your very own abilities and activates your inner creative power. 

1. Part of the training: The connection between energy, chakras, aura and the necessary protective mechanisms

  • You are not alone: spiritual hocus-pocus or energetic sensitivity
  • What is aura, What are chakras, How do you activate your chakras, How do we access our aura via the chakras?
  • Harmonization and cleansing of the chakras
  • Strengthening your aura, grounding and accessing the creator level
  • How do you deal with external energies
  • Protective measures against external energies

2. Part of the training: Learning to read the aura

  • can I do that? Everyone asks themselves this question. Isn't it an outstanding gift to speak with the universe/creator level? You have this gift, here you will learn how to access this gift
  • learning to reade the aura and the exact procedure, attunement and exit, grounding and alignment
  • how often do I need a reading
  • how do I reade myself
  • what language/words/images do you receive?
  • what do I do if the recipient does not want to hear it this way
  • where are the boundaries
  • what is a flash reading?
  • completion with an aura reader certificate

Training to become an aura reader is incredibly enjoyable and enriches you greatly. You feel that the universe is always there and that you are part of the big picture. It allows you to grow personally and enriches your creative and spiritual life, also on a professional basis. You can have a consultation with Riccarda about the training at any time. The best way to do this is to send us an email to We strongly advise you to do a reading with Riccarda before the training. This is possible online or on site. Only then can you optimally understand and implement the training.

the Training costs 770€