Claudia Kowa

Claudia has been practicing yoga for over ten years, during which she has come into contact with various styles of yoga, which inspired her and led her to find her home in vinyasa yoga. She fulfilled her dream of completing a course in yoga and completed a yoga instructor training program at KarmaKarma in 2016.

Before discovering her passion for yoga, dance, sport, and movement in every form were always an important part of her life. In so doing, she learned that power, agility, discipline, and balance are linked to one another through the body, mind, and soul.

Yoga was always a present, quiet companion.

As a manager for international brands in the face-paced world of fashion, where she travelled frequently, yoga grounded her in her stressful everyday life. And when she returned to her hometown of Dusseldorf, yoga was constantly part of the process and enriched her life.

Claudia’s modern, vital style of yoga is characterized by diverse, authentic training concepts and creative flows. She combines a yoga philosophy that is easy to understand and close to life with sensible combinations of asanas that are both athletic and therapeutic.

She teaches yoga with passion and dedication. With an anatomically precise and clear orientation, combined with skillful hands-on assists, she attends to the physical and psychological wellbeing of her students. She trains beginners, advanced students, and sport enthusiasts on their journey to a healthy orientation of body and mind.

“Yoga is not touching your toes, it’s about what you learn on the way down.”
Judith Lasate